the suspect backpack

Monday, September 25, 2006

signal analog

there is some info here about getting data from the Maxbotix sonar sensors that i'm using - have chosen to go with the analog signal - see the FAQ:

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in order of shortcuts

the list of shortcuts (to scripts, apps or patches) - in the order that they need to be run. the set-up is starting to become complex...

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sydney suspicion

audio aggregation

aggregate audio device
setting up an aggregate audio device to run multichannel outputs and routing audio to both headphones and external speakers.

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interfacing java

minicv java interface
configuring the microcontroller and blocking unused channels via a java app written by Angelo.

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daughter of...

daughter boards
daughterboard for powering and converting signal from the Maxbotix sonar sensors thru the MiniCV microcontroller.

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two software options for keeping a powerbook g4 running while the lid is shut...

for many reasons not recommended (including the fact that the cooling system is designed to cool through the keyboard), but nevertheless, some ppl still require

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speaking - externally

logitech laptop speakers

i have selected a pair of speakers for the external audio:

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

electronic bits

electronicky bits
bits and pieces of the gear that i'm using for this suspect backpack project...

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up-grade (my world)

have upgraded my mac powerbook laptop to run OS X 10.4.7 - finally! Up until now I've been running 10.2.8 - which has been really stable as i've been doing a lot of live a/v performance work over the last year and a half.

But I needed to upgrade so i can utilise the aggregate audio facility that becomes available with Tiger.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

railing activity